
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Time to SMILE Again?

As mentioned in a previous post, recently produced SMILEs had a software defect in their boot configuration. The boot parameters were wrong, which prevented re-flashing of the NAND with an SD card or USB drive. This was the cause of my sorrows.

Now for some good news. You can ship your unit to Global Scale Technologies, they will fix it and ship it back to you. More information is available at the community page.

Once I get my unit fixed, activity in this blog will resume.


  1. Have you gotten your PLUG back yet?

    1. Noah, due to my location (Kingdom of Bhutan), sending the plug for repair was impossible. GST sent me a JTAG box (I paid for the shipping), which enabled me to fix the box. I'm hoping to add a post about that soon.

  2. I have a new one on-order. I hope they have this problem fixed, now! Now, I'm nervous to try flashing it, when it shows up. I probably should have ordered it with the JTAG, dangit.

    I'm (hopefully) going to be using my SMILE to run a workshop, where I'm afraid the Internet is going to be spotty (as it often is at conferences). So, my usage patterns are going to be pretty close to what the device is intended for. Most of my stuff is Node.js based, so that's great, but I'm going to need a MongoDB up and running for one of the demos, and I'm a bit worried that an out-of-date kernel may cause me trouble.

    If it does the job well, I may tote it out to the next Global Game Jam, and serve up a bunch of tools and SDKs for the jammers, since they tend to saturate the broadband at the local jam site every year.

    I'll probably think of three more interesting things to do with it before the week is up!
